Séminaire Cornet – Anna Melnykova – 10/09/2024

Premier séminaire de l’année de l’équipe CORNET :

Le mardi 10 septembre 2024 à 11h35, en salle C057 (ancienne BU).


Anna Melnykova du Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Avignon (LMA) à Avignon Université, nous présentera une conférence sur : « Hawkes processes in Neuronal Modelling »

Résumé : Hawkes processes is a versatile probabilistic tool which permits to model a variety of real-world phenomena: earthquakes, stock markets, population dynamics. In this talk we will focus on its use in neuroscience, where they permit to model interactions between different group of neurons (or individual neurons). Furthermore, due to memory property, models based on Hawkes processes naturally embed the refractory (inter-spiking) period for each individual neuron. The focus of this talk is on numerical and statistical challenges associated with Hawkes processes (simulation, parametric and non-parametric inference, causality).