Gaelle Laperrière Ph.D. thesis defense – 09/09/2024

3 September 2024

Date: 9th of Septembre 2024 Time : 3PM  Place: Ada Lovelace CERI’s amphitheater, at the Jean-Henri Fabre campus of Avignon Université.   The jury will be composed of:   Alexandre Allauzen, PR at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, LAMSADE – Rapporteur Benoit Favre, PR at Aix-Marseille Université, LIS – Rapporteur Marco Dinarelli, CR at CNRS, LIG – Examiner Nathalie Camelin, MCF at Le Mans Université, LIUM – Examiner Philippe Langlais, PR at Université de Montréal, DIRO, RALI – Examiner Fabrice Lefèvre, PR at Avignon Université, LIA – Examiner Yannick Estève, PR at Avignon Université, LIA – Thesis director   Sahar Ghannay, MCF at Université Paris-Saclay, LISN, CNRS – Thesis co-supervisor Bassam Jabaian, MCF at Avignon Université, LIA – Thesis co-supervisor Title: Spoken Language Understanding in a multilingual context This thesis falls within the scope of Deep Learning applied to Spoken Language Understanding. Its primary objective is to leverage existing data of large resourced annotated languages for speech semantics to develop effective understanding systems in low resourced languages. In recent years, significant advances were made in the field of automatic speech translation through new approaches that converge audio and textual modalities, the latter benefiting from vast amounts of data. By visualizing spoken language understanding as a translation task from a natural Plus d'infos

Cornet Seminar – Anna Melnykova – 10/09/2024

2 September 2024

First CORNET seminar, Tuesday 10th september 2024 11:00, room C057. Anna Melnykova from Mathematics Lab of Avignon (LMA). Abstract: Hawkes processes is a versatile probabilistic tool which permits to model a variety of real-world phenomena: earthquakes, stock markets, population dynamics. In this talk we will focus on its use in neuroscience, where they permit to model interactions between different group of neurons (or individual neurons). Furthermore, due to memory property, models based on Hawkes processes naturally embed the refractory (inter-spiking) period for each individual neuron. The focus of this talk is on numerical and statistical challenges associated with Hawkes processes (simulation, parametric and non-parametric inference, causality).