Doctoral Position @LIA 2025

31 January 2025

The LIA’s 2025 doctoral grant has been awarded to the SLG team. Several topics have been proposed and are available on the platform : Interested candidates should apply on the platform. Before doing so, however, it is strongly recommended that you contact the researchers proposing the topics in order to discuss with them. The auditions will be organised by Doctoral School 536 according to the procedures indicated on They will take place at the beginning of June, the final date will be communicated to the selected candidates by the supervisors.

Thesis Defense of Thibault Bañeras-Roux – 17/01/2025

15 January 2025

Title : Analysis and understanding of the evaluation of automatic speechrecognition systems: towards metrics integrating human perception. Date: Friday January 17 at 2:00 pm Place : Amphithéâtre du bâtiment 34, LS2N, Campus Lombarderie, 2 chemin de laHoussinière 44000 Nantes. The defense will be presented in French. Abstract : Today, word error rate remains the most widely used metric forevaluating automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. However, thismetric has limitations in terms of correlation with human perception andfocuses only on spelling preservation. In this thesis, we proposealternative metrics that can evaluate spelling, but also grammar,semantics or phonetics. To analyze the ability of these metrics to reflect transcript qualityfrom the user’s point of view, we built up a dataset named HATS,annotated by 143 French-speaking subjects. Each annotator examined 50triplets, made up of a manual reference transcription and two hypothesesfrom different ASR systems, to determine which hypothesis was, in theiropinion, the most faithful. By calculating the number of times a metric agrees with the annotators’choices, we obtain a measure of its correlation with human perception.This corpus can thus be used to rank different metrics according to thejudgment of a human reader. Our results show that SemDist, a metricbased on BERT’s semantic representations for comparing Plus d'infos