ANR EVA Project

1 January 2023

Explicit Voice Attributes Describing a voice in a few words remains a very arbitrary task. We can speak with a “deep”, “breathy”, “bright” or “hoarse” voice, but the full characterization of a voice would require a close set of rigorously defined attributes constituting an ontology. However, such a description grid does not exist. Machine learning applied to speech also suffers the same weakness : in most automatic processing tasks, when a speaker is modeled, abstract global representations are used without making their characteristics explicit. For instance, automatic speaker verification / identification is usually tackled thanks to the x-vectors paradigm, which consists in describing a speaker’s voice by an embedding vector only designed to distinguish speakers. Despite their very good accuracy for speaker identification, x-vectors are usually unsuitable to detect similarities between different voices with common characteristics. The same observations can be made for speech generation. We propose to carry out a comprehensive set of analyses to extract salient, unaddressed voice attributes to enrich structured representations usable for synthesis and voice conversion. Partner list: Project leader: Orange Scientific leader for LIA: Yannick Estève Start date: 01/01/2023 — End date: 31/12/2025 More


1 September 2022

Understanding, Modeling and Improving the outcome of Crowdfunding campaigns UMICrowd project explores CF from economical and sociological perspectives, using advancedmathematical modeling tools, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and empirical analysis. It aims to proposedecision-making tools that help entrepreneurs in designing their campaigns and CFP managers inselecting, classifying and promoting projects. Partners: CentraleSupelec CRAN FPF ESCE LIA Period: 2022-2026 ANR Webpage:

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