Seminar : Felipe Albuquerque – 11/07/2024

4 November 2024

Title: The Capacitated p-Location Problem with Territorial Coverage Constraints Date: 11/07/2024 – 11:35 AM Place : S6 Résumé : In spatial planning, the efficient location and allocation of services pose complex challenges across diverse contexts. Our research focuses on the capacitated p-location problem, which aims to select p facilities from a set of potential locations to minimize allocation costs between facilities and consumers with specific demand weights, while respecting capacity constraints. To better model real-world applications, we extended this problem by introducing territorial coverage constraints. We examined the adapted formulation of this expanded problem and developed a heuristic approach to handle larger instances effectively. A case study in France’s PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) region illustrates the impact of these coverage constraints.

Cornet Seminar – Anna Melnykova – 10/09/2024

2 September 2024

First CORNET seminar, Tuesday 10th september 2024 11:00, room C057. Anna Melnykova from Mathematics Lab of Avignon (LMA). Abstract: Hawkes processes is a versatile probabilistic tool which permits to model a variety of real-world phenomena: earthquakes, stock markets, population dynamics. In this talk we will focus on its use in neuroscience, where they permit to model interactions between different group of neurons (or individual neurons). Furthermore, due to memory property, models based on Hawkes processes naturally embed the refractory (inter-spiking) period for each individual neuron. The focus of this talk is on numerical and statistical challenges associated with Hawkes processes (simulation, parametric and non-parametric inference, causality).

LIA Seminar – Vincent Rialle – 31/05/2024

22 May 2024

Vincent Rialle, Université de Grénoble AlpesLieu :  CERI Salle 3 – C022 – 12h00 Titre : Comprendre l’IA des contraste extrêmes, médiatiques et politiques, et agir en tant que chercheur ou enseignant Résumé : L’intelligence artificielle défraie de manière croissante toutes les chroniques médiatiques depuis quelques années, avec en perspective pour 2024 quelques pires scénarios possibles mais aussi des avancées du discernement éthique, de la responsabilisation politique des états en matière de législation et régulation, et une progression des prises de conscience de l’acuité des problèmes sociaux, environnementaux et civilisationnels que pose cette technologie à l’humanité. L’exposé donnera une vue à la fois succincte et précise du paysage contrasté actuel. Puis dépassant les stratégies habituelles d’alertes par les extrêmes, qu’ils soient apocalyptiques ou enchanteurs, il présente une approche centrée sur la personne – chercheuse/chercheur dans son laboratoire, étudiant, ou toute personne intéressée par la question – et selon des ressources et principes existants et référencés (mais souvent noyés dans le flux médiatique actuel). Biographie : Vincent Rialle est maître de conférences-praticien hospitalier émérite à l’Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA, France) et enseignant bénévole à l’Université Inter-Âge du Dauphiné (UIAD) ; il est titulaire d’un doctorat en Éthique Biologique et Médicale et d’un Plus d'infos

Cornet Seminar – Judith Agueda Roldan Ahumada – 15/03/2024

12 March 2024

In the context of team Cornet’s seminars, Judith Agueda Roldan Ahumada (Universidad Veracruzana) will present her research work on Modeling and optimization of a vehicle routing problem in a coffee company, on March 15, 2023, at 11:35 in the meeting room. Abstract: In the central region of Veracruz, Mexico, given the weather and soil conditions, there are different companies dedicated to the coffee bean production. To carry out the different activities such as planting, harvesting,cleaning, among others, it is necessary to transport the harvesters to different agricultural lands; usually, this logistics problem is solved empirically without considering the cost per transfer. The problem, that will be shown, arose from the needing to solve a transport logistic problem for a coffee bean company in the central region of Veracruz.We consider a single vehicle with maximum capacity of N items, the vehicle starts the path with out items from a parking and it can collect the items in places that are along the way, that goes from parking to the place where the items are delivered (agricultural lands). The places are ordered consecutively, such that, once the vehicle goes through one, it can not return to the previous sites and it is Plus d'infos

LIA Doctoral Fellowship 2024

27 February 2024

The 2024 doctoral fellowship from the LIA has been awarded to the Cornet team. Several topics have been proposed, and they are available on the Adum platform. In alphabetical order by title: Interested candidates should apply on the Adum platform. Most importantly, before doing so, contact the researchers who propose the topics to discuss them further.

Cornet Seminar – 23/02/2024

20 February 2024

The next seminar of the Cornet team will take place on February 23, 2024, at 11:35 a.m. in S3, and will consist of two parts. First, Sylvie Chaddad (LIA) will present her thesis topic on Stochastic Control for Optimizing Crowdfunding Project Dynamics. Then, Lorena Garrido (University of Veracruz) will present her work titled On the Monge-Kantorovich divergence. Abstract: The Monge-Kantorovich divergence is a measure of closeness between probability distributions. Historically, it arises from an optimal transport problem of sand movement, in the area of civil engineering. Today, the Monge-Kantorovich problem has given rise to many theoretical studies, as well as various applications, including data analysis. In this talk, a couple of applications in data analysis will be mentioned.

Cornet Seminar – 31/01/2024

26 January 2024

The next seminar of the Cornet team will take place on January 31, 2024, at 11:35 am in S3 and will consist of two parts. Firstly, Felipe Albuquerque (LIA) will present his thesis topic on ‘The p-Median Problem with Coverage Constraints: New Resolution Methods and Application to the Design of Public Services.’ Following that, Luca Dini and Pierre Jourlin will present their ongoing work on the theme of ‘Hybrid Methods for Cognitive Attitudes Detection.’ Summary: In this seminar, we will present ongoing work on the transformation of a keyword spotting system into a concept-based labeling engine. We will highlight four major axes of this work:

PhD defense of Noé Cécillon – 18 January 2024

8 January 2024

Date: Thursday, January 18, 2023 at 14:00. Place: University of Avignon, Campus JH Fabre, Ada Lovelace amphitheater Jury : Title: Combining Graph and Text to Model Conversations: An Application to Online Abuse Detection. Abstract: Online abusive behaviors can have devastating consequences on individuals and communities. With the global expansion of internet and the social networks, anyone can be confronted with these behaviors. Over the past few years, laws and regulations have been established to regulate this kind of abuse but the responsibility ultimately lies with the platforms that host online communications. They are asked to monitor their users in order to prevent the proliferation of abusive content. Timely detection and moderation is a key factor to reduce the quantity and impact of abusive behaviors. However, due to the sheer quantity of online messages posted every day, platforms struggle to provide adequate resources. Since this implies high human and financial costs, companies have a keen interest in automating this process. Although it may seem a relatively simple task, it turns out to be quite complex. Indeed, malicious users have developed numerous techniques to bypass the standard automated methods. Allusions or implied meaning are other examples of strategies that automatic methods struggle Plus d'infos


14 December 2023

Planning And leaRning For AI-Edge compuTing Partners: Period: 2023-2027

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