Séminaire CORNET – Rita SAFI – 15/01/2025
L’équipe CORNET démarre les séminaires 2025 la semaine prochaine avec une présentation de Rita SAFI, doctorante de CORNET et EDF, encadrée par Yezekael HAYEL et Tania JIMENEZ. Attention : ce séminaire aura lieu exceptionnellement un mercredi. Rendez-vous le mercredi 15 janvier à 11h35, en salle C057 (ancienne BU) :_________________________________________________________ Smart charging and optimization of personalized flexibility services for electric vehicles’s users. Rita SAFI, doctorante CORNET-LIA & EDF Résumé : The increasing number of electric vehicles (EVs) presents new challenges for charging point operators (CPOs) due to the increasing charging demand. However, it also creates opportunities to influence the flexibility of EV users. In this work, we consider a CPO that offers a price menu to EV users. Each option in the menu represents a pair of charging times to satisfy the EV charging demand and the corresponding charging price. The goal of the price menu is to encourage EV users to be flexible in their charging time. The price menu design problem can be formulated as a bilevel optimization problem in which the upper level determines the charging prices of the price menu and the optimal allocation of power among EVs to maximize the profit of the CPO, while the Plus d'infos