Cornet Seminar – 19/01/2024

On Friday, January 19th, at 11:35 in room S6, we will have three short presentations:

  1. Ahmad Dabaja, new PhD student, will introduce himself and his work entitled Designing incentives for effective federated learning in a distributed system
  2. Khaoula Otmani, master student, will present her work entitled Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning via Shapley Value.
    Abstract: In Federated Learning systems, the repetitive communication between server and clients leaves room for attacks aimed at compromising the integrity of the global model. I will present a defence strategy based on Shapley Value that detects and prunes malicious clients from the learning process.
  3. Lucas Potin, PhD student, will present his work entitled Analyse de sous graphes pour identifier des phénomènes de corruption dans les marchés publics
    Abstract: Création d’une méthode utilisant les sous-graphes discriminants afin de classer une collection de graphes parmi 2 labels. Application sur un jeu de données de graphes associés aux marchés publics afin de détecter un potentiel de fraude .Comparaison des différentes métriques de discriminance possible par rapport a d autres méthodes de la littératures ( valeurs de shapley, random Forest…)