
Research at the LIA

The research activities of the laboratory are organized into two teams: Cornet and SLG. In each of these teams, both fundamental and applied work is oriented toward specific objectives related to the disciplinary context, but their interconnectedness provides cohesion to our overall scientific activities. These activities are developed in full coherence with the program of Avignon University and CERI in this field.


The LIA’s activities in the field of natural language processing began right from the establishment of the laboratory. The work, initially focused on speech processing, gradually expanded to encompass written language processing, human-machine dialogue modeling, and the analysis of internet content. A significant portion of the work is related to Information Retrieval issues. The LIA serves as a crossroads for multiple approaches (probabilistic, language models, machine learning), technologies (multimedia indexing, HMM, GMM, iVectors, LSA, LDA, Deep Learning, syntactic analysis), and communities (AFCP, ISCA, CORIA, ATALA, ACM, ACL, etc.). The thematic coverage of natural language processing by the LIA is broad, and the research covers a wide range of linguistic objects (read or spontaneous speech, dialogues, short/long texts/collections, mono or multilingual), as well as paralinguistic aspects (speaker authentication, voice and speech disorders, voice quality, stress, attitudes, etc.), disseminated through various media (audio or video recordings, radio or televised broadcasts, phone conversations, the Internet, etc.).


The CORNET team (Complex systems, Operations Research for NETworks and Text) covers research topics related to modeling, optimization, and machine learning for complex networks and systems, as well as text analysis. Using operations research tools (stochastic optimization, combinatorial optimization, graph theory, game theory, etc.), the team works on the design and modeling of systems from various application domains such as the Internet, social media, wireless networks, transportation, energy, smart cities, learning, data centers, mobility, and security.