PhD defense of Sarkis Moussa – 30 June 2023

30 June 2023

Date: Friday, June 30, 2023. 2pm Place: thesis room (salle des thèses) at the Hannah Arendt campus. For those unable to attend, here is the BBB link for the video conference: Title: Architecture and Protocols for Public Safety Users in the 5G Cellular Networks Abstract: Public Safety Networks (PSNs) are wireless communication systems designed to meet the needs of emergency responders, including firefighters, police, and many other Public Safety (PS) agencies. These networks are used to prevent or respond to incidents that pose a threat to people or property. Traditionally, these PSNs were supported by reliable, but low-rate radio technologies that provide limited services such as voice communication among Public Safety Users (PSUs). Consequently, their capability to take advantage of recent developments in wireless networks and broadband applications was restricted. At the forefront of wireless communication technologies, 5th Generation (5G) and beyond Cellular Networks (CNs), are ideal for this purpose due to their advanced infrastructure and tailored techniques developed for broadband services. Their capacity for high data transmission, low latency in data exchange, and ability to support a significant number of connected devices make them perfectly suited to overcome the limitations associated with PSNs. Integrating PSNs into 5G can Plus d'infos

Cornet Seminar – Éric Bourreau – 23/06/2023

23 June 2023

In the context of team Cornet’s seminars, Éric Bourreau (LIRMM) will present his research work on Quantum Computers, a New Information Technology Revolution?, on June 23, 2023, at 11:35 in the meeting room. Abstract: The concept of quantum computing dates back to the late 1980s, and the first quantum algorithms were born in the 1990s. However, the novelty of recent years is the construction of actual quantum machines that are beginning to validate the theory. This seminar will attempt to explain how the definition of QuBits (quantum bits) gives rise to a new paradigm of computation. We will try to understand what computational power is now being offered and at what point quantum optimization could become competitive with ‘classical’ optimization methods.

Cornet Seminar – Paolo Zappala – 09/06/2023

9 June 2023

In the context of team Cornet’s seminars, Paolo Zappala (LIA/Orange) will present his research work on Extensive-form games with perfect information, on June 6, 2023, at 11:35 in the meeting room.