Cornet Seminar – Willie Kouam – 29/09/2023

29 September 2023

In the context of team Cornet’s seminars, Willie Kouam (LIA) will present his research work on Asymmetric Centrality Game against Network Epidemic Propagation, on September 29, 2023, at 11:35 in the meeting room.

Cornet Seminar – Wesley Coelho – 14/09/2023

14 September 2023

In the context of team Cornet’s seminars, Wesley Coelho (Pasqal) will present his research work on Solving optimization problems with PASQAL quantum computers, on September 14, 2023, at 11:35 in the meeting room. Abstract: The emergence of quantum devices opens many exciting perspectives in the high-performance computing world. Among other quantum platforms, fully programmable neutral atom devices display unique characteristics and, by better controlling quantum entanglement and superposition, they represent a powerful tool to tackle complex problems and computing challenges. In this talk, Clément de Terrasson and Wesley Coelho will show how PASQAL Quantum Computers are used to address complex optimization problems. They will also propose a workshop where participants will be able to use PASQAL solutions to solve optimization problems.