PhD defense of Luis-Gil Moreno-Jiménez – 18 November 2022
Date: 18th November at 2:00 pm. Location: Thesis room, Hanna Arendt Campus (City Center). The jury comprises: Abstract: In this thesis, we approach the study of creativity in general, with a particular interest in how it is created using artificial devices, and we present a more targeted and formal treatment of artificial literary text generation. In “The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms” (Boden, 2004), Margaret Boden explains that the creative process is an intuitive path followed by humans to generate new artifacts appreciated for their novelty, societal significance, and beauty. She proposes a classification of creativity into three categories: — Combinatorial creativity, where known elements are merged to generate new elements; — Exploratory creativity, where generation occurs from observation or exploration; and — Transformational creativity, where generated elements result from modifications or experiments applied to objects produced by exploratory creativity. The quest for automated processes capable of creatively generating artifacts has recently given rise to a research domain called Computational Creativity, which offers intriguing prospects in various artistic domains such as visual arts, music, and literature. Although significant advancements have been made in this field, there exist difficulties and limits related to the inherent complexity in understanding the human creative Plus d'infos